In the Pacific Northwest, we don't live to work... we work to live! Produced by the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council, Working to Live in Southwest Washington gives working people in Southwest Washington and around the world discussions with decision-makers and everyday folks who help make the lower left corner of the Evergreen State a great place to live... and work!

Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Convening To Solve Problems
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
Thursday Oct 31, 2024
By now you should have received your ballot for the 2024 General Election (if you haven't, contact your county elections office - find more information on how to do that at https://www.VoteWA.gov!) You may be familiar with a lot of the offices up for election this year... but do you know the full scope of what Washington's Attorney General does?
Nick Brown (https://nickbrownforag.com/) sits down with Harold to discuss what goes into being the lawyer for every citizen of Washington, the Attorney General's ability to solve problems for everyday working people, and the power of "convening."
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.

Sunday Oct 27, 2024
From Advocating To Legislating
Sunday Oct 27, 2024
Sunday Oct 27, 2024
A lot of working people are somewhat familiar with the US Senate and US House of Representatives in the other Washington... but they're not as familiar with our STATE Senate and State House of Representatives in this Washington (you know... the one in Olympia.)
Harold sits down with State Senate candidate Adrian Cortes (https://www.votecortes.com/) and State House candidates John Zingale (https://www.electjohnzingale.com/) and Deken Letinich (https://www.electdeken.com/) to find out the differences - and similarities - between the Federal Legislature and our State Legislature, the value of failure, and how you can change things in our state by talking to your state legislators.
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.

Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Breaking The Hamster Wheel For Working People
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Wednesday Oct 23, 2024
Washington's 17th Legislative District looks a lot different after its boundaries were changed due to a Voting Rights Act violation (https://washingtonstatestandard.com/2024/04/03/heres-how-washingtons-legislative-districts-will-change-for-this-years-elections/.) While East Vancouver is still part of the 17th LD, so are more rural parts of Skamania and Klickitat Counties.
Harold sits down with Marla Keethler (https://www.marlaforsenate.com/) and Terri Niles (https://www.voteterriniles.com/) to find out more about the new areas in the 17th LD, what unifies people living in rural and urban areas, and what they plan to do to break the "hamster wheel" working people find themselves on these days.
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.

Sunday Oct 13, 2024
What Can The Clark County Council Do About Housing?
Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Sunday Oct 13, 2024
Of all the challenges working people are facing these days, the lack of affordable housing may be one of the biggest. What can be done about the ever-increasing percentage of workers' paychecks that are going towards the rent?
Harold sits down with Wil Fuentes (https://electwil.com/) to discuss the difference between Vancouver and "unincorporated Clark County," what's driving the lack of affordable housing in our region, and what the Clark County Council can do to fix this growing problem.
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.

Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Planning For The Future of Klickitat County
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
There are a lot of changes happening in Klickitat County, Washington. This largely rural county is seeing a housing boom and several large projects are on the horizon that could bring jobs and prosperity.... but that doesn't mean there aren't challenges to contend with.
Harold sits down with two candidates running for the Klickitat County Commission, Amanda Kitchings (https://www.amandaholtmankitchings.com/) and Ron Ihrig (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61559059846273,) to find out a little more about Klickitat County, the issues working people face there, and what the heck a "pump storage project" is.
Find out more about the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council's endorsed candidates at https://tinyurl.com/5n7trpbb.
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.

Friday Sep 27, 2024
What Is The Clark PUD And Why Should You Care?
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
The Clark Public Utilities District (https://www.clarkpublicutilities.com/about-cpu) touches every person living and working in Clark County, Washington... but many working people are unaware of the impact the Clark PUD has, or what the Commissioners who oversee it do.
Harold sits down with labor-endorsed candidate for Clark Public Utilities Commissioner James O'Neil (https://oneil4pud.com/) to find out what the PUD is, why James thinks you need to think about water and electricity, and why he believes the people working at Clark PUD are the most important part of the organization.
Find out more about the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council's endorsed candidates at https://tinyurl.com/5n7trpbb.
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.

Friday Mar 01, 2024
Meet Ray Connor -The New President Of The SWWACLC
Friday Mar 01, 2024
Friday Mar 01, 2024
In January Delegates to the Southwest Washington Central Labor Council elected UA Local 26 (http://www.ua26.org/) member Ray Connor to be their new president. Who is Ray, and what are his plans for the CLC?
Ray sits down with Harold to talk about his background, how the Labor Council works, and what the best decision he ever made was.
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.

Thursday Dec 21, 2023
Thursday Dec 21, 2023
We don't have to tell you that 2023 was an amazing year for working people. Big strikes, big contract wins and new organizing campaigns grabbed the headlines this year, and public support for organized Labor soared to new heights.
With the end of the year just around the corner, Harold sits down with Northwest Labor Press (https://nwlaborpress.org/) Editor-in-Chief Don McIntosh and The Stand's (https://www.thestand.org/) Editor-in-Chief David Groves to talk about what made 2023 so special and what this year's wins for working people might tell us about the year to come.
Before we get to the New Year, though, some of you probably have some last-minute holiday shopping to do! Check the AFL-CIO's Union Made Holiday Gift Guide (https://aflcio.org/MadeInAmerica/holiday-gifts) for some great American made - and UNION MADE - gifts.
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.

Monday Nov 27, 2023
Monday Nov 27, 2023
The Portland Association of Teachers strike is over - but we thought our sisters, brothers and siblings' struggle across the river to the south gave us a great opportunity to look back on this year's educator strikes here in Southwest Washington.
Evergreen Education Association Vice President Marj Hogan and Camas Education Association Vice President Michael Sanchez sit down with Harold to discuss why their two unions went on strike, what the experience was like, and what they gained for their members... and their students!
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.

Saturday Sep 02, 2023
What Is A Convention, And Why Do Unions Have Them?
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Remember working people in Southwest Washington, this is YOUR podcast! Email us at podcast@swwaclc.org and let us know what you think about the show, and what you'd like to hear in future episodes!
We're a proud member of the Labor Radio Podcast Network - find more radio shows and podcasts that speak to working people about working people's issues at www.LaborRadioNetwork.org.